Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Nova's Little Joy's are 2 weeks old!

 Our little ones are opening their eyes and ears and starting to explore the kitchen.
Little puppers are supercute as they kinda scoot at this age.  They are also testing their vocal cords with tiny little barks and growls. 
This first picture is from the littlest pup, he is just a fraction smaller than the other pups but he makes sure we all no that size doesn't matter that much.
 This is our biggest prince this week. He was not happy to be pulled away from mom for some quick photo's but he quickly recovered and posed for a few snapshots.
 And out middle puppy's eyes are not quite all the way open yet. But he sure does love to cuddle.
 Our 3 little princes.  I am thinking maybe about doing a Robin Hood theme for nicknames this time.  We haven't done that before and it might be fun. Robin, Little John and Friar Tuck?
 Which would only leave Maid Marion for our princess.
I am probably dating myself but I cannot think which was my favorite movie, the animated Disney movie or Robin Hood Men in Tights.  Brings back memories of my all time favorite movie.....
Princess Bride! Maybe we will use that one next time.

As of this evening all of our joyful little ones are still looking for their forever families.
If you are interested in one of our little ones please send me an email at

Thank you for Reading and we hope you have a great week!

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