It is hard to believe the puppies are 6 weeks old already!
This week the puppies had their first car ride, even if it was just to the vet. The puppies had a full health check and their first shots.
The puppies are looking forward to a trip to the park if the weather is nice this week. If it is icky, I told them we would just have to make a trip to Petsmart and buy some chew toys.
Jasper is a great puppy that loves to explore and play. After playing he likes snuggle up to my feet and take a nap.
This work of art is the puppy formerly known as Diamond, she has picked out her family and has her forever name, Lily.
Lily is very excited to find out a pediatrician is, she wants to know if they love kisses.
Lily Bear says it is really funny that I always called her and her sister by the same name and now they have very similar names. Lily Bear is very excited to learn all about softball, and wants to know what High School is.
Moka(formerly Ruby) is looking forward to learning all there is to know about doll clothes and coffee.
Chipper was known as Topaz. Chipper is looking forward to walks in the park and meeting lots of new friends.
Prince Beau is looking forward to meeting is half sister Belle. Beau loves to charm everybody and is very excited about learning what a Minnesota is.
This week the puppies have been exploring more and finally were able to meet the ducks. I am not sure if the puppies just wanted to give the ducks kisses or if they were trying to herd them somewhere but it sure was funny.
The ducks let the puppies get really close up before they would scatter.
Of course then we had to find some yummy treats for the ducks because they played so nice.
This week I took over 300 shots of the puppies but I managed to cut it down to just over 170 pictures.
I want to warn you, they are really getting good at stealing hearts!
Have a great week,
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