Also, We still have three of Minnie's Pups, and are starting them on potty training. Albus, Victor, and Archimedes are still causing trouble here at honey ridge, the darling little devils.
anyway, the pictures of The tiny ones:

Three cute little boys, already developing excellent markings. it's too early to say whether they'll have any beige, but we'll see.
~ Kim
Hi I came across your website while searching the puppy ads in the des moines register. I recently have purchased a teddy bear puppy from a breeder in Iowa that is a mix between a Bichon and a Shitzu- however he looks almost completely like a Bichon. Anyway, I have been a little disappointed in the way the whole adoption thing was handled and just wanted to say that you guys seem to be so caring about your puppies. I love that you guys offer the whole care kit with your puppies as well as put updates on them on your site. Had I not adopted my puppy before coming across you guys, I probably would have adopted from you! And still might consider should I want another puppy in the future.
Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that all of the things you offer with your puppies as well as the great care you seem to put into them is a very nice and rare trait in breeders these days and I just wanted to leave a comment to say how great I think it is!
I might be coming back to your site with questions if you dont mind as this is my first puppy and everything is so new and a learning experience for me.
Take care!
Thanks! We do our best to keep our pups happy, and see that they are well-equipped for their new homes. They like the attention.
What's your little guy's name?
We're glad to offer any kind of advice you might need!
His name is Charlie. We named him after Charlie Brown because he is brown in color. I have actually put together a website for him and my fiance's family's new teddy bear puppy as well. If you care to see pictures, the website is:
and thanks! I can use all the advice I can get. So far Charlie has been a joy and very easy to train and take care of. However, he wasnt in a very healthy condition when I got him which has been a struggle to get through. Luckily he is very healthy now, it just took alot of work to get to this point!
Your puppies are adorable! How long have you been breeding the Bichon Frise breed? Even though my puppy isnt a full Bichon breed, I think they are becoming my favorite breed.
Thanks again!
we've been breeding Bichons for only about a year, but before, we bred mastiffs. We started with the mastiffs about ten or fifteen years ago.
We are liking the bichons as well. they don't shed, and they train really well. Plus, they're so adorable!
Your Charlie is so cute! I'd be glad to offer any advice for the little guy.
~ Kim
Wow! Mastiffs- thats pretty impressive! I think dog breeding seems like a very neat thing to do and if I had the time or facilities in which to do it I would. Although I have to admit that I think I would get too attached to all of the puppies and want to keep them all. haha!
And thank you I really appreciate it! Actually I do have a question now if you dont mind: Although the normal time it seems to get your dog neutered (should you choose) is about 6 months of age, my particular vet says they will do it as early as 4 months. I have Charlie set up to get it done at 4 months, do you think that is too early and will it have any negative affects? I only have it set up early as he has started to figure out how to be "friendly" and I didnt know if getting it done earlier would help with problems with that in the future.
Thanks for your help!
the answer to your question is this: there shouldn't be any harmful effects.
In our experience, neutering a dog has one effect. It stops their reproductive system. this has a lot of side-effects, which include stopping the behaviors that come with maturity, and it sort of stops their growth.
in a larger dog, you would want to wait, because they don't finish growing until they are a year or more, but with most smaller dogs like bichons, they are mainly done growing by then.
So no, there shouldn't be any ill-effects from getting an early operation.
I trust that helps you? *grin*
Yes thank you for that! He had his surgery done Tuesday and is recovering very well. He actually thinks hes alot better than he really is. haha. All he wants to do is run around and hes not too happy when I want to keep him still and calm. If only he knew it was for his own good!
But thanks again for your help/advice!!! I really appreciate it!
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