All of Minnies Puppies went home the end of March, but I just wanted to share the pictures that we took the day they went home. We have washed and put away all the toys and blankets, for a few weeks. Rose is Due to deliver her litter of Puppies May 21st.
And Our thinker Libby.
All the puppies had fun with the Roses and then we were off to meet with their forever families. It was the first litter we had that all of the puppies went home over 24 hours. It was a bit of a shock for both us and Mom. We kept mom very busy going for car rides and walks for the first week. Most mothers miss their puppies for the first few days after they go home, Minnie carries around toys and makes a nest of toy puppies for several days after her puppies go home.
Minnie is now back to her everyday self, making us laugh with all her attention getting tricks. Minnie is scheduled to be spayed April 21st, Minnie is looking forward to a nice long retirement with lots of occasional baby sitting.
I did manage to take lots more pictures if you would like to see them.
We are very excited to have a lull before we Rose has her puppies, hopefully we can get the garden in.
Ta For Now,